Donations for Connor

"I've made this blog for my brother Connor Dick. He was in a bad work accident falling 30+ feet off the UBC building they were working on October 24th, 2013. He sustained multiple injuries, the worst being a traumatic brain injury called Diffuse Axonal Injury. I will post updates and pictures on his progress along his road to recovery. We've made a PayPal account and a trust account for Connor where you can make donations. Every bit helps no matter how big or small. You can also help bring awareness to traumatic brain injuries by sharing his story."

Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Start Of A New Year

New Years Eve Connor got to bring in the New Year with a few good friends, Danny, Dill, Kaitlyn, Sara and our mom and her boyfriend Mike. They had plans to take Connor to the festival of lights at VanDusen Botanical Garden but the cab never showed up to take them. Instead they went on a walk and just had a nice night in Connors room. Our mom even bought some decorations, hats and noisemakers that Connor didn't want but I think they convinced him otherwise. They all didn't drink as Connors not allowed any alcohol for at least a year which was totally awesome and it just goes to show how amazing his friends have been!

2014 brings Connor the start of a new year. He will be faced with many new challenges that I'm sure will prove to be very hard and very frustrating. There is no doubt in my mind though that with his strength and determination he will be able to accomplish them all! Now will be the most important time for us to remember that Connor needs our support and patience more then ever.

It's now been 2 weeks since Connor has been at GF Strong. It was a good transition from Vancouver General Hospital to where he is now but unfortunately it was through the Holiday season. Due to the timing it's been pretty quiet around there, most of the patients went home and staff also went on Holidays so rehab has been off to a slow start. Starting today Connor will be spending a lot of his days with speech therapy, occupational therapy, physio therapy and other rehab assistants to help him build back his independence. They are starting to get my family to let Connor do more things without assistance which is sometimes very frustrating for him, being he's really only able to use his left hand. There's still no telling how much function he will get back in his right one but that is something time will show us. The staff at GF Strong are so impressed with how much Connor is able to do and how far he's come in 10 weeks. On the 14th of January we're hoping they will remove the pin from his wrist and give him permission to weight bare. Right now he gets himself in and out of the wheelchair by pivoting on his strong leg. They won't consider removing the plate until 3-6 months have passed. Connor's highlights have been visitors, physio and eating! He lost about 40 lbs but has now put back on 15 lbs in the past 3 weeks even though he's still on a restricted diet, he just eats so much because he can't wait to get his muscles back!

Connor has kept a good sense of humor considering all he's been through and you can even see a smile or hear a little chuckle every once in awhile! Right now he's pretty frustrated and really just want's to go home. He is on the other hand up for visitors so if anyone would like to come one night or on a weekend you can give our mom Sandi a call at 604-202-8450. (It's always good to call her and check first) 

*Update - Go figure as I was writing this blog at 12 pm January 2, 2014 Connor was given the OK to eat anything!!!*


  1. Thankyou so much for all the updates! We at Zion are all cheering you on Connor and I know how proud your grandma would have been :)

  2. Awww thanks! I'm not sure if Connor reads the blog as it may be too much reading but I will definitely pass on the message just in case. Oh and a big thanks to you all at Zion for the donations you gave to Connor, that was so sweet of you guys <3 I'm sure Nana and Papa are both very proud of him and if anyone was looking out for Connor the day of the accident, I'm sure it was them!

  3. Hey Megan. I tried writing a comment a few weeks ago but it didn't go through properly on my phone.
    Just wanted to say how glad I am that Connor is doing so well!!!
    I heard of the accident about an hour after it happened because my husband works on that same job site! I of course had absolutely no idea who the "guy who fell" for weeks leading up to my brother coming across your blog when you wrote it I had been asking my husband for any updates on this kid....I was thinking about him all the time constantly feeling horrible that this happened to someone so young!!! then I came across the did it ever hit me even closer to home for the fact that it could have been my husband...and to find out that it IS someone I know wow unbelievable....I am loving these updates as the ones the guys at my husbands work get are not the greatest and usually a bit behind so it is good to see how well he is doing!!!
    he definitely is a trooper and strong willed....
    I wish him as well as all of you the most patience you can possibly have as it is definitely a long and hard road to travel not just for him but for the entire family and friends....and of course my biggest wish is for him to heal up as fast and as best as he possibly can.

    1. Hey Candice! Thank you so much for the nice words it really means a lot. Your husband working on the same job site just goes to show what a small world it really is. It's not the first time we've heard about someone working on the job site that day :( I hope he wasn't one of the ones that actually witnessed it... I'm shocked it never made the news but at the same time very thankful it didn't! All the guys on the site had all signed a card for Connor which was so sweet, was your husband one of them? Make sure your husband always does his job safely as it only takes one mistake or one accident and then it can change your life forever. I'd never wish this on anyone and we're so very proud of Connor and how far he's come :)
