Donations for Connor

"I've made this blog for my brother Connor Dick. He was in a bad work accident falling 30+ feet off the UBC building they were working on October 24th, 2013. He sustained multiple injuries, the worst being a traumatic brain injury called Diffuse Axonal Injury. I will post updates and pictures on his progress along his road to recovery. We've made a PayPal account and a trust account for Connor where you can make donations. Every bit helps no matter how big or small. You can also help bring awareness to traumatic brain injuries by sharing his story."

Friday, January 10, 2014

An Update On Connor and How He's Feeling

I actually just found this out today, the last blog entry I posted which was The Start Of A New Year Connor had actually written it with our mom. I added extra details and such but it was so nice to know he's wanting to share his story too.

On January 8th, 2014 I had gone up to visit Connor and to my surprise him and our mom both told me Connor reads his blog all the time. He really enjoys reading his progress and the comments people leave, his favourite though is watching his video as it shows him how far he's come since the accident. Connor should be nothing less then proud of himself, he's working so hard! I guess I'm going to have to make him another video soon so he has something new to watch. Our mom also told me that while Connor was at VGH he had about 100 different people come to visit him. That just goes to show how special our brother really is.

During our visit that evening it was our mom and dad, our brother Cody, Danny, Kaitlyn, Taylor and myself. Danny and the others had gone to get Connor McDonalds as he hadn't had it for months! They brought him a McFlurry, a Southwest Chicken Sandwich and a Poutine. Lets just say that sandwich was gone in no time! When it was time to move onto the poutine, Connor looked up at us and said "Who's going to feed me?" We all had a good laugh and said no one, but Connor looked at our dad and said "dad will". Our dad was actually on his way out so sweet Kaitlyn offered to help him. (Before you think we're mean, we're supposed to get Connor to do most stuff on his own and help him if he really needs it) Though feeding himself can be a challenge and quite frustrating for him, we more often then not give in. I'd also brought in my laptop and the movie Bad Grandpa, figuring if anything was going to make him laugh that movie would be it. With the hospital beds pushed side by side and extra chairs around the beds, we all moved in close to Connor and started to watch it. About 5 minutes into the movie Connor turned it off because he couldn't see it. Over the last couple weeks Connors vision has been very bad. He's only able to see things if they are close to his face and everything else is blurry. They're working on figuring out what's wrong and hopefully it will happen sooner than later as it's one less thing he needs right now. One of Connors favourite things to do now is go to get Starbucks at the Safeway across the street from GF Strong. If you ask him if he wants to go, that kid sits himself up so fast! We all took him for a walk to get one that night and on the Safeway scratches we got while we were there, Connor won 2 free chocolate bars. I think we may need to go buy him a lottery ticket! Just before Cody and I were about to leave, Connor's other friends Breanna and Milan showed up with home made brownies and they were so yummy! He's honestly so lucky to have such amazing people in his life that truly care. Connors been one spoiled guy lately but he definitely deserves it all!

On January 10th, 2014 Connor finally gets to spend the weekend at home! Not his actual home but our mom and her boyfriend Mike's place because it's wheelchair friendly. It's in Fort Langley right on the river so it should be a relaxing weekend for him and a nice change of scenery. Our mom had to practice car transfers in and out of the wheelchair the other day which went very well but as soon as Connor got in the car he said "Take me home now". Without a doubt Connor is not going to want to leave once he gets there but I hope he enjoys it, it goes well and he's able to do it more often. I'm so happy he's finally up for having more people come to visit him, I know he doesn't want people to see him how he is but he has absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.

The other day Connor told me this post should include how he's feeling. He's mentally not in a good place right now and he's feeling pretty down. The other day Connor told us that he shouldn't be here (at GF Strong) and that none of this should have happened to him. Now don't get me wrong I'd never wish this on anyone ever but Connor being the kind of person he is, he didn't deserve this. The doctors have said that with the way Connor is thinking into the future, it shows them that his brain isn't just stuck on today or the past which is a very good thing. I guess there's always something good to come out of something bad. He's getting help for how he's feeling so hopefully between us and the doctors we can get him over this bump. His vision, not being able to use his right hand very well, not being able to weight bare yet, and pretty much unable to do the things he normally would due to all the other injuries, I don't blame him for feeling how he does and unfortunately it's a part of his traumatic brain injury recovery (DAI). I asked if there was anything we could do to make him happy and all he said was take me home. January 14th, 2014 Connor goes to back to VGH to make sure he gets the OK to weight bare on both legs! I think once he's able to get up and about again on his own it will make him a lot happier.

The last appointment Connor had at VGH the doctors there couldn't believe his progress. A few were even amazed as they had seemed very pessimistic about his recovery from the start. From what we were told in the beginning, to where he is now is absolutely incredible, a miracle, whatever it is we're all so thankful.

Connor when you read this, I know we tell you all the time but if you keep fighting the way you are and pushing yourself to do things you think you can't, you'll hopefully be home before you know it. You were blessed with a second chance for a reason. We all love you buddy and if there's anything we can ever do you know just to ask us, we're all here for you <3


  1. My words of wisdom for Connor...After your Nana and Papa left us, we (me, your mom and Steve) wondered how we would see each other as much now that our get-togethers as a whole family were so much different. While you are the one who is having to sacrifice and deal with so much, you have brought us all together again and the love, support, caring, appreciation, etc. have grown tremendously. All because of YOU! Even though we ate lasagne for Xmas dinner in a classroom at GF Strong, it was probably one of the best Xmas' I have had in a very long time. That room was filled with so much love and without you, it would never have been the same. I have changed so much through your ordeal and by watching your sister and brothers be there for you, well.....words just can't really express. You still have so much healing to do and we are healing in our own ways right along with you. You will be able to look back on this one day and see just what you have learned and appreciated going forward through your own life. The things money just can't buy. I love you and am here for you whatever you need. Thank you for all you've taught me.

    Love Your "favorate" Aunty Lori

  2. Connor, you are alive today because you were destined for something greater in life. And as unfortunate as your accident is/was you are meant to do something with it....whether it be talking with people about safety and sharing your experience....or just to be a massive inspiration for many other people. I believe our path is set out before we are born and things happen for a reason....even though you are feeling down at this moment things will get better!!! Reading these blogs has inspired me in ways i could have never imagined before. I am so very pleased to see how well you are recovering and you have not given up when so many people would have!!! Stay strong Connor!!! You are changing peoples lives for the better and you dont even know some of them!!!
