Donations for Connor

"I've made this blog for my brother Connor Dick. He was in a bad work accident falling 30+ feet off the UBC building they were working on October 24th, 2013. He sustained multiple injuries, the worst being a traumatic brain injury called Diffuse Axonal Injury. I will post updates and pictures on his progress along his road to recovery. We've made a PayPal account and a trust account for Connor where you can make donations. Every bit helps no matter how big or small. You can also help bring awareness to traumatic brain injuries by sharing his story."

Friday, August 22, 2014

Updates April-August

I know it's been a while since my last update but I wanted stuff to write about which now I do. I've also been extremely busy with family due to baseball season. I have however updated pictures in Connors recovery slide with any pictures I've been able to get my hands on.

Connors still going to physio, doctors for his hand, having OT and speech done at home and his music therapy lessons. He's still working really hard at each one because you can notice the huge improvements in is walking, speech, balance and mobility. Connors had some ups and downs along the way but thankfully mostly ups. Connor still enjoys going to the movies with friends, playing video games and of course playing cribbage. He also really enjoys going on walks and to Tim Horton's. Connor has kept an amazing sense of humor and anyone that spends time with him can tell you he always makes us laugh. You know the craziest part is it hasn't even been a year since his accident and really he's only been walking for about 3-4 months, yet he's accomplished so much in such a short time. Connor you amaze me with everything you do and we're so proud of you!

In my last post I talked about Connor getting the plate in his arm and wrist removed (which he did) and has been working hard on gaining the mobility back. It had caused him quite a bit of pain at the start but has slowly decreased and doesn't bother him much anymore. Connors even had a pretty neat goal, which to get there has been starting to throw the baseball around again. It's truly incredible watching his recovery and being a part of it. One of the best feelings is seeing him do things he loves again and being able to do them with him. Where he was 10 months ago and the condition he was in, to where he is now there's no words.

A few months ago my dad, Connors friends and my 3 brothers went on their yearly Peter Hope fishing trip. They'd gone to Peter Hope first but ended up at Roche Lake as the other place was already full. It was so neat Connor was able to join them and once he's further along in his recovery he'll be able to enjoy it in all the ways he used to. I can't remember how many fish they caught but enough anyways! Connor loves to fish and can't wait to be able to do it without the pain.

A couple months ago Connor had gone up to Osoyoos with our mom and her boyfriend for a weekend. Connor wanted to go see our dads parents who weren't able to visit him down here due to health reasons. Every time he gets to go out and do different things it's great for him! Most of his weeks are very repetitive and for obvious reasons still can't do a lot of things that bring most people fun. That will come with time though.

Last month I got the pleasure of spending the weekend with Connor so our older brother could go away. I took my 2 little ones with me so it was busy but so much fun! The first day myself, Connor, Jax and Cody and his girlfriend had gone to the lake to go bass fishing. We caught a few but the fish didn't want to bite much that day. It was gorgeous out so we just sat around and enjoyed the beautiful day, attempting to fish. Our mom and her boyfriend joined us a bit later that day and we somehow managed to convince Connor to go in the canoe. Even though he wasn't that into it he still had a great time. Later that day our Aunt had come over for dinner and bought us Chinese food for a late birthday dinner. It was so sweet of them! The next day we took Connor to the Whalley Chiefs provincials. It was so hot out we only stayed for one game and just played catch in the shade. Like I said before it's just nice to be able to get Connor out of the house. The rest of the weekend was more relaxing and we had a couple extremely long games of Monopoly. 

Since Connors accident we've managed to reconnect with some family we haven't seen in many, many years. Our moms family are mostly close but our dads family are spread all over the world. One of our dads cousins invited us to spend the day at their place a week ago and showed us their house and farm. We had such a lovely visit and were able to reconnect with one of our 2nd cousins. She leaves Monday but came out to see us the the other night and she's even coming to the baseball game with us Saturday, to cheer on Connor! Our family has been so good to Connor helping him through everything. Thank you all so much! Even though you may not get to see them often they're always there when you need them the most <3

We've also stayed in touch with some of companies that donated items towards Connors fundraiser, one in particular being the Vancouver Canadians. For those of you who don't know, they're a minor league baseball team that are affiliated with the Toronto Blue Jays. They offered for Connor to throw a first pitch at one of their baseball games which happens to be tomorrow night, August 23rd! This has been Connors goal for the past couple months. They put aside 100 tickets for us to bring along everyone that's played a part in Connors miraculous recovery. We're so excited we can't wait!

Monday, April 28, 2014

X-Ray Results

On April 23rd, 2014 just one day shy of the 6 month mark since his accident, Connor and our mom went back to VGH to get X-Rays done on Connors wrist. We were all patiently waiting for the day to come, to find out if the plate would be removed and his bones fused together, or if the plate could come out and Connor could get all his functions back. I called my mom on their way back from the hospital and she told me the fantastic news, on May 5th, 2014 the plate is scheduled to be taken out and Connor will be able to start using his wrist again. It is however considered an elective surgery so hopefully he will get in that day and they wont push the date back. The doctors had said all the broken pieces did exactly what they were hoping they would and apparently Connor had the biggest smile on his face when they told him. I know he'd been extremely worried about what he was going to hear that day and I'm so happy it's now one less thing for him to worry about.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Updates (March-April)

Sorry it's been so long since I've had an update but as you all know life can get busy and I apologize for this taking so long.

Connors Fundraiser on March 6th was a huge success! Thank you so much to everyone who donated items, everyone who helped us put it on and of course a huge thank you to all of you who came out to support Connor! He was even up for an outing so Connor spent the night at the fundraiser.

Connors transition from GT Strong to back home has gone pretty good. He's been home now for a month and a half and he's now settled in nicely. We did a lot of reno's at my brothers place which are finally finished except for painting the upstairs but at least the messy ones are out of the way. The bedroom we built downstairs was for Cody to move back in so that itself is a huge help and the bathroom on the main floor has made things so much easier for Connor. He has care aides for 12 hours a day, his OT and speech come to his house and his PT is done close to home. Connor still has a long road of rehabilitation but he's continually improving. He hit all the major milestones during his stay at the hospitals so it will really depend on Connor now to fine tune the things that still need work on. His walking, speech and of course the plate in his right wrist/arm are 3 of the things that he's been working so hard at! You can really see the determination he has because when he first came home he wouldn't really use his right hand but now when he plays crib, he's shuffling with both hands. When he walks he only uses a cane which is an amazing improvement. Connors even playing his video games again.

In his spare time he hangs out with his friends, goes out to movies or watches them at home, plays video games and of course crib. Connors even been out to some of ours and Noahs baseball games. Going to our baseball games are not Connors favourite but because he can't be alone he doesn't have a choice. With that said if any of you are free Tuesday or Wednesday nights, I'm sure he'd enjoy some company! One of the auction items at the fundraiser was a night out for 10 in a Vancouver Stealth (Lacrosse) Box hosted by Trevor, Connor, Cody and the companies 2 owners. I'd have to say Connor had a fun night out in a box full of lovely ladies!

Hopefully within the next month Connor will get an appointment to see if or when the plate in his wrist will be removed. It's the last ting we don't know about yet so keep your fingers crossed as it would be so huge for him to be able to have it removed one day!

Friday, February 14, 2014

It's Official!

As of Thursday February 13th, it's official that Connor will be coming home February 27th, 2014! 

My family had a meeting with the WCB, the doctors and staff yesterday at GF Strong. They came to the conclusion that mentally and emotionally going home is the best thing for Connor, instead of him going to another facility. My mom and Trevor had gone to look at the facilities last week that Connor would go to but the other patients in those places would not be able to stimulate him in ways he needs, that he could get from being at home. A couple weeks ago the first assessment they did on Connor they felt he wasn't cognitively ready to go home so as you can see he'd been working hard on proving them otherwise!

WCB will be going to my brothers house next Tuesday to assess what needs to be changed and added to accommodate Connor, the doctors also want him to spend Tuesday night at home, to see how things go. His release date is now less than 2 weeks away so changes are going to have to happen pretty fast. We're in the process of getting the OK to install a bathroom on the main floor so hopefully we will get a response sooner than later. We'll also have to build shelves in their garage to organize all the stuff being stored down there and then we plan on making Connor a gym. Trevor and I spent last week puttying his walls to get ready to paint and then I guess next week we'll have to go clean their house so it's spotless and organized for them. Connor is going to need 24 hour in home care but by the sounds of it will only be given 12-14 hours. My family will have to continue to work together to make sure one of us can always be there for the time he wont have the extra care.

As for updates on Connor he's been working on relearning to walk and has also been working on gaining control of movements and using his right hand. The best part is he's finally wanting to start using it too. It's been a month now since he was given the go ahead to weight bare and the past couple weekends I've spent with Connor, it's unreal to see what a difference 1 week can make in how he's walking. Connors legs were and still are quite wobbly, he also needs to hold on to things to keep his balance but from week to week you see so many good changes. Connor went swimming a couple weeks ago which was awesome for him because he had no worries of falling while he was in the water. He has actually spent a couple nights alone at GF Strong during the past few weeks too. The doctors thought it would be good for him and he agreed, they went very well from what I've heard. Connors facial expressions don't look as forced anymore either and as he likes to say "He's getting back to his old ways". He still has his sense of humor so there's always a bunch of good laughs during our visits and Connors even promised he will always be the sweet guy he's always been. I always look forward to our visits as they aren't that often anymore but that's all going to change in 13 days! Connor still has a very long road ahead but continues to show improvements every day.

I'd also like to take a minute to thank my dads girlfriend Michelle and my moms boyfriend Mike. They've both been a huge help since the accident and I just want them to know the things they do don't go unnoticed and they're appreciated. Michelle has been staying with Connor on certain nights to make sure my mom and brother can have breaks. She also visits Connor without being asked obviously but is so sweet in helping when they need it. Michelle always has Connors best interest at heart. Mike has been a great support system for my mom and has been amazing at understanding that my mom needed to be there all the time for my brother. He's also given up his bed on weekends and sleeps on the couch so Connor can have a nice place to sleep. Mikes even puts up with all the visitors that come and go during the weekends Connor spends there. Thanks again Michelle and Mike!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Trust Account For Connor

An account has been set up at Coast Capitol Savings Credit Union. Donations can be made to this account at any of their branches located across the lower mainland and Vancouver Island. For anybody writing a cheque for Connor that is being sent or brought to us directly please make it payable to: Connor Dick in trust

Cheques can be mailed to:

Sandi Dick
#102 - 23215 Billy Brown Road
Langley, BC
V1M 0B7

Or you can call Sandi to drop them off in person at:


Saturday, January 25, 2014

Another Update

Sorry it's been so long since I've written an update on Connor but we've had our hands full with getting Connor's fundraiser organized. The support from everyone has been so overwhelming! Obviously the first thing that comes to mind are people and companies that know our family or people connected locally through family and friends but it isn't just them. I've had replies back from people we don't know and it's so amazing to see how complete strangers can open their hearts and care so much for someone they've never even met. Honestly it's all so comforting to see people we know and people we don't know show their support for our brother. There's no words to describe how grateful our family is for everyone's generosity towards Connor's Road To Recovery. His fundraiser should be fantastic thanks to all the support! You can view some of the companies that are helping here.

Anyways back to my update. Connor has been busy with his rehab,OT, PT, speech and spending his free time with friends and family. I just had to share this picture because Connor is looking so good (Not that he didn't before) and the kiss on the cheek from Kayla as you can see made him quite happy!

Just so you all know I talk to Connor everyday on the phone because I don't get to see him on a regular basis anymore, but hopefully that will all change soon! As I previously mentioned Connor had his appointment at VGH on January 14th, 2014 to see if he'd get the OK to weight bare. He was a bit scared about what they would say and he told our mom "You better get ready to hold me down". Even though our mom reassured him everything would be fine, Connor had apparently said it again to our mom just before they got the news that we've all been waiting to hear. He is now allowed to weight bare on both sides and is starting to learn to walk again.

Since Connors first weekend spent at home he's enjoyed it so much they've been doing it every weekend. He gets a nice break from GF Strong and gets to feel like himself for a few days surrounded by the serenity of the Fraser river in Fort Langley. He gets many visitors while he's in town which is great, so as always he is surrounded by family and the best friends anyone could ever ask for.

Also as I said earlier Connors vision hasn't been very good for a while. He finally had his eye appointment on January 24th, 2014 and they said his eyes look good just his vision didn't. Connor isn't able to see things that aren't up close, so this morning our mom and Connor went to go pick out a pair of glasses. I personally think the ones he picked out look awesome and make him look more sophisticated but I'll let you decide that for yourselves!

A couple of weeks ago the doctors at GF Strong met with our family to go over their game plan for Connors recovery. The plan as of right now is that February 27th, 2014 Connor will be going home. He will have to have 24 hour in home care and his rehabilitation will be done at his place. Connor said that its too long but we told him time will go by faster then he thinks. Plus the extra time spent at GF Strong will also help his recovery that much more too! I know Connor is so excited and has been looking forward to that day ever since they told him so hopefully it will all go as planned. Everyone keep your fingers crossed!

Friday, January 17, 2014

A Big Thank You!

As we receive donations for Connors fundraiser from companies, businesses and people I will add them on here. Some of these places have a connection to Connor and some of them don't but it's so amazing to see the generosity from each and every one of them. A big thank you goes out to all of them for helping Connor!

The company all my brothers work for.

The location for Connors fundraiser and our one brothers friends mom, happens to own it.

Connor and his friends gym in Langley, BC

A local restaurant in Cloverdale, BC. They're always helping people in our community!

No connections to them which make it even more touching they offered to help Connor.

A local company located in Surrey, BC. The owner happens to be a friend of our moms and we can't thank them enough for their generosity!

Another local company located in the heart of Cloverdale, BC. Even though they are doing fundraisers of their own to make sure they stay open, they still take the time to help others in the community!

Vancouver River Rafting – Canadian Outback whitewater river rafting adventures