Donations for Connor

"I've made this blog for my brother Connor Dick. He was in a bad work accident falling 30+ feet off the UBC building they were working on October 24th, 2013. He sustained multiple injuries, the worst being a traumatic brain injury called Diffuse Axonal Injury. I will post updates and pictures on his progress along his road to recovery. We've made a PayPal account and a trust account for Connor where you can make donations. Every bit helps no matter how big or small. You can also help bring awareness to traumatic brain injuries by sharing his story."

Friday, February 14, 2014

It's Official!

As of Thursday February 13th, it's official that Connor will be coming home February 27th, 2014! 

My family had a meeting with the WCB, the doctors and staff yesterday at GF Strong. They came to the conclusion that mentally and emotionally going home is the best thing for Connor, instead of him going to another facility. My mom and Trevor had gone to look at the facilities last week that Connor would go to but the other patients in those places would not be able to stimulate him in ways he needs, that he could get from being at home. A couple weeks ago the first assessment they did on Connor they felt he wasn't cognitively ready to go home so as you can see he'd been working hard on proving them otherwise!

WCB will be going to my brothers house next Tuesday to assess what needs to be changed and added to accommodate Connor, the doctors also want him to spend Tuesday night at home, to see how things go. His release date is now less than 2 weeks away so changes are going to have to happen pretty fast. We're in the process of getting the OK to install a bathroom on the main floor so hopefully we will get a response sooner than later. We'll also have to build shelves in their garage to organize all the stuff being stored down there and then we plan on making Connor a gym. Trevor and I spent last week puttying his walls to get ready to paint and then I guess next week we'll have to go clean their house so it's spotless and organized for them. Connor is going to need 24 hour in home care but by the sounds of it will only be given 12-14 hours. My family will have to continue to work together to make sure one of us can always be there for the time he wont have the extra care.

As for updates on Connor he's been working on relearning to walk and has also been working on gaining control of movements and using his right hand. The best part is he's finally wanting to start using it too. It's been a month now since he was given the go ahead to weight bare and the past couple weekends I've spent with Connor, it's unreal to see what a difference 1 week can make in how he's walking. Connors legs were and still are quite wobbly, he also needs to hold on to things to keep his balance but from week to week you see so many good changes. Connor went swimming a couple weeks ago which was awesome for him because he had no worries of falling while he was in the water. He has actually spent a couple nights alone at GF Strong during the past few weeks too. The doctors thought it would be good for him and he agreed, they went very well from what I've heard. Connors facial expressions don't look as forced anymore either and as he likes to say "He's getting back to his old ways". He still has his sense of humor so there's always a bunch of good laughs during our visits and Connors even promised he will always be the sweet guy he's always been. I always look forward to our visits as they aren't that often anymore but that's all going to change in 13 days! Connor still has a very long road ahead but continues to show improvements every day.

I'd also like to take a minute to thank my dads girlfriend Michelle and my moms boyfriend Mike. They've both been a huge help since the accident and I just want them to know the things they do don't go unnoticed and they're appreciated. Michelle has been staying with Connor on certain nights to make sure my mom and brother can have breaks. She also visits Connor without being asked obviously but is so sweet in helping when they need it. Michelle always has Connors best interest at heart. Mike has been a great support system for my mom and has been amazing at understanding that my mom needed to be there all the time for my brother. He's also given up his bed on weekends and sleeps on the couch so Connor can have a nice place to sleep. Mikes even puts up with all the visitors that come and go during the weekends Connor spends there. Thanks again Michelle and Mike!

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